Tuesday 5 December 2017


    *[[Rom 8:16]] KJ2000* The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

    A witness is someone who testifies about something. If you are a son with FULL RIGHTS, you will not need someone to testify or give you assurances.

    That is why the Spirit was constantly reminding the 1st century believers of their Sonship because their adoption was not completed yet.

    So when he said sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God (Rom 8:14), he was getting them to focus on the down payment which is the Holy Spirit. He wants their assurance of Sonship to be based on the guarantee given to them. They are to be convinced by the guarantee. They having the Holy Spirit should lead them to come to the conclusion that no matter what, they shall surely be adopted by Abba Father.

    Consider this illustration. When in Ghana we were asked to register for the National Identification Card some years ago, we were given a token receipt that bore our name and some other info. But we did not receive the card the same day. So if you are going to redeem your National Identification Card, it is the token that bears witness with you that you are who you say you are. That is what the opening scripture means.

    The full rights of the sons is immortality. They don't wait for it they are born immortal just as their Father is. So if they were waiting for it, then they only had a FORETASTE of what it will be like to be a son. Shalom!!!


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