Monday 4 December 2017


    *[[Heb 5:8]] LEB* Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered,

    In the cause of interrogation, the police sometimes use torture to get a suspect to co-operate or comply. In a sense, the suspect has become obedient or submissive.

    Today, some Christians believe God, with suffering and pain, forces people to obey Him. No way! God is not a terrorist. God does not employ the strategies of the devil to train up His children. He is Love,  and love does not torture.

    However, in obeying God and and living a godly life,  we may have to endure pain and suffering (i.e. insults, rejection, persecution, etc.) from others. But at the end we will come to learn that our obedience has produced fruit leading others to the knowledge of Christ.

    Be assured that the suffering of today is no where compared to the glory that is about to be revealed in  you. Be strong and take courage. Shalom!!!


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