Tuesday 5 December 2017

    THE GREAT TRIBULATION 3 (Days of Vengeance)

    *[[Luk 21:22]] YLT* because these are days of vengeance, to fulfil all things that have been written.

    I seek to prove that if what Jesus prophesied was going to happen to a specific generation, namely the Jew of His time (Luke 21, Matthew 23 & 24), is found in Revelations, then the target group was still alive and the vengeance has already taken place.

    From our opening scripture, Jesus tells us that the vengeance will fulfill all the things that have been written. So to know whether this has been fulfilled in history, let's find out from Revelations...

    *[[Rev 10:6-7]] ISV* ..."There will be no more delay but when the time approaches for the seventh angel to blow his trumpet, God’s secret plan will be fulfilled, as he had announced to his servants, the prophets.”

    So you see, there were seven seals and the seventh seal had seven woes. But before the seventh seal was open, the angel declared that by the time the seventh angel blew his trumpet, all that was declared/written by the prophets will be fulfilled - making reference to Jesus' statement above. The angel was also assuring the matyrs that their vengeance would not be delayed any further. From this we see that;
    1. The angel was making reference to what Jesus said in Luke 21
    2. If Jesus said the vengeance has been written already, then we should find it in the books of the prophets in the Old Testament (See Daniel and Ezekiel)
    3. What happened after the seventh seal was opened climaxed the vengeance
    4. The audience of Jesus (the target generation) were still alive as far as Revelations 10&11 are concerned.
    5. So far, Revelations 1 to 11 is not about our generation or a future generation. It's in our past.

    Watch out for the next in this series. Shalom!!!


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