Monday 4 December 2017


    *[[1Co 15:30-31/WMTH-JM]]* Why also do we Apostles expose ourselves to danger every hour? I protest, brethren, as surely as I glory over you –which I may justly do in the Messiah Jesus our Lord– that I die day by day.

    Growing up, I heard many preachers quote this scripture and say, "you ought to die to self daily like Paul or else you will miss the rapture or go to hell." But you see, this is what happens when you take a verse out of its context to prove a preconcieved idea.

    When Christ died on the cross, our old sinful nature or 'old self' died with Him. Then we arose with a new nature - the very nature of God. So we don't need to die to self any more.

    From the context, Paul was saying something to this effect, *''If there is no resurrection of the dead, then why do I put myself in harm's way to evangelize? I have faced tyrants, been in ship wreck, stoned and left for dead, starved, all bcos I wanted the nations to hear the gospel. I face death everyday just for the sake of the gospel."*

    So Beloved, instead of thinking about how you can 'murder' your old self daily, let us continually pray for the brethren who are risking their lives in nations where they are forbidden to share the gospel. Some have been executed and others have been imprisoned. For the sake of the gospel, they *die daily*. Pray for all missionaries in the field and their families too. Shalom!!!


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